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Community Foundation’s LEAD Council Awards Nearly $20,000 in Impact Grants to Tri-County Organizations

Feb 14, 2025 03:23PM ● By Nicole Petrus

WATERTOWN — Access to personal hygiene products, reducing food insecurity, and supplies for a  new commercial soup kitchen are just three of seven initiatives that will receive a share of nearly $20,000  in grant funding from the LEAD Council of the Northern New York Community Foundation.  A recent series of LEAD Impact Grant Program awards will support seven tri-county nonprofit organizations. After thoughtful evaluation of nearly three-dozen applications for funding, Council members sought to  address current community needs while supporting a wide breadth of organizations whose work improves  the quality of life in Northern New York. 

 “It is with enthusiasm that the LEAD Council announces this year’s Impact Grant Program recipients. The  projects and initiatives proposed by this year’s awardees address strategic needs across the tri-county region.  The LEAD Council is pleased to advance their efforts in Jefferson, Lewis and St. Lawrence counties,”  

The following tri-county nonprofit organizations were awarded LEAD Impact Grant Program funding:  

Children’s Home of Jefferson County — $5,700 to purchase a hygiene products vending machine  for its behavioral health clinic in Jefferson County, where residents face significant barriers to accessing  essential health resources. This initiative aims to provide personal hygiene essentials at no cost to clients  attending appointments, addressing critical health-related social needs and disparities within the community.   

Salvation Army of Watertown — $3,500 to help combat food insecurity and provide basic human  needs to clients at the Salvation Army of Watertown. The organization serves meals for at least 100  individuals and families daily and up to 250 individuals on certain days. It is also the lead agency for the  city’s warming center to support the homeless population. Grant funding will support soup kitchen inventory  and purchases through the Food Bank of Central New York. 

 ■ Salvation Army of Massena — $3,000 to help launch a new commercial kitchen at its Victory Road  facility. The organization is experiencing growth and serving more clients, while also seeing an increase 
in food pantry and soup kitchen supply costs. The new kitchen will allow the organization to thoughtfully  expand and offer new, targeted programming. Grant funding will be allocated to purchase remaining kitchen  supplies. 

 ■ Encompass Recreation — $2,500 to help lead a newly established Teen+ Club that serves  neurodivergent teens and young adults up to age 21. Encompass Recreation has experienced tremendous  impact and community support for its programs through its first three years of operation. The Teen+ Club  will provide a supportive environment where participants can build social skills, engage in recreational  activities, and receive guidance as they age into adulthood through structured activities that empower  individuals and encourage family involvement. Grant funding will help secure materials, food, and rental  space for a full program year. 

 ■ GardenShare — $2,000 to strengthen food security for St. Lawrence County residents and promote  a local food system. GardenShare connects consumers and producers, supports equitable distribution of  food resources, and removes barriers to access in St. Lawrence County. The organization’s Bonus Bucks  program serves as a valuable resource for this population by making fresh food and produce available at  local farmer’s markets at a reduced rate. Grant funding will allow consumers to increase the fresh foods  they may purchase. 

 ■ Norfolk-Raymondville Food Pantry — $2,000 to give the pantry a critical boost to secure more  food through the Food Bank of Central New York. The food pantry provides direct support to residents in  Norfolk, Raymondville, Norwood and adjacent communities where many residents experience severe  transportation challenges and food insecurity. While the pantry has operated for more than 40 years out of  the United Methodist Church of Norfolk, resources are limited, and the need continues to rise.  

Lyons Falls ALIVE — $1,100 to support a coupon program for children to purchase fruits and  vegetables at a seasonal market. Lyons Falls ALIVE is a new nonprofit serving Lewis County. Its mission  is to nurture and promote commercial, recreational and community activities that strengthen quality of  life in the village and surrounding area while preserving and developing its historical environment. This  organization offers a seasonal market from June through October to make fresh local foods available to  residents, while giving farmers and crafters an outlet to share their products and support local business.  
Grant funding will help reimburse farmers for approximately 270 coupons. 

 The Council was pleased to consider a diverse group of worthy community projects and ultimately award  support to nonprofits with a wide range of missions. 

 The Council and its grant program are supported through the thoughtful generosity of the Hyde-Stone  Charitable Foundation of the Northern New York Community Foundation, Carthage Savings and Loan Association, Morgia Wealth Management, and donors to the Community Foundation’s Friends of the  Foundation Community Betterment Annual Fund

About the LEAD Council 

 The LEAD Council was chartered in 2014 as a Community Foundation advisory committee empowered  to identify and address strategic needs in Jefferson, Lewis, and St. Lawrence counties while making  meaningful investments through community grants and volunteerism.  

 The Council is comprised of 22 young professionals who live and work in the tri-county area with an  interest in enhancing the quality of life for all in the North Country. LEAD is an acronym that reflects four  important guiding principles of the Community Foundation’s work: Leadership, Engagement, Access, and  Direction. 

 The Council works to gain a deeper understanding of community needs, issues, and the nonprofit sector  to augment the Community Foundation’s mission and work. Since its inception, the LEAD Council has  developed several creative initiatives to benefit the community and region. Strategic efforts include its  “LEADing the Way” volunteer program, enhancements to child care and early childhood development  programs, hyper-local support for anti-poverty initiatives, community giving challenges, and building  philanthropic values in the region’s schools through student-led projects. 

About the Northern New York Community Foundation 

 Since 1929, the Northern New York Community Foundation has invested in improving and enriching  the quality of life for all in communities across Jefferson, Lewis, and St. Lawrence counties.  Through partnerships with businesses and organizations, charitable foundations, and generous families  and individual donors, the Community Foundation awards grants and scholarships from an endowment  

and collection of funds that benefit the region. Its commitment to donors helps individuals achieve their  charitable objectives now and for generations to come by preserving and honoring legacies of community  philanthropy while inspiring others. 

 The Community Foundation is a resource for local charitable organizations, donors, professional advisors  and nonprofit organizations. It also works to bring people together at its permanent home in the Northern  New York Philanthropy Center to discuss challenges our communities face and find creative solutions that  strengthen the region and make it a great place to live, work, and play.